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Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Jawatan Kosong di TH Properties (Tabung Haji) - 05 Mei 2016

Jawatan kosong terkini di TH Properties (Tabung Haji) Mei 2016. Permohonan adalah dipelawa daripada waganegara Malaysia yang berkelayakan untuk mengisi kekosongan jawatan kosong di TH Properties (Tabung Haji) sebagai :

1. Quantity Surveyor 

Tarikh tutup permohonan 05 MEI 2016
Lokasi : Kuala Lumpur
Sektor : Swasta

Jawatan Kosong di TH Properties (Tabung Haji)

TH Properties is an integrated property, project development and asset and facility management group. Leveraging on proven technical and commercial experience and expertise, the Group focuses on four areas of business, namely property development, construction, project management and facilites management.

Wholly owned by Lembaga Tabung Haji (TH) pilgrim's Fund Board), the Group was created following the consolidation of TH's property development and construction arms.

The Group's signature property development is the 5,119 acre Bandar Enstek located in close proximity to the KL International Airport. With over 1,784 homes build and delivered, Bandar Enstek is now a thriving community. Local and international organisations and companies have chosen to set up their facilities at Bandar Enstek.

The Group has also completed building and infrastructure projects in excess of RM1 billion in value. More recently, the Group has expanded into the asset and facilities management sector and within the space of two years, is managing approximately 4 million sq. ft. of office space.

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Jawatan Kosong di TH Properties (Tabung Haji) - 05 Mei 2016 Rating: 4.9 Diposkan Oleh: Jawatan Kosong